"Natural Farming"
Welcome to Rowdy Stickhorse Market Hub & Apothecary. We are committed to raising a self-reliant family with happy, healthy animals in their natural surroundings.
Farmer and Rancher Commitments
Don’t use synthetic chemical insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or fertilizers.
Protect the soil, water, and air with crop rotation, cover crops and buffer strips.
Don't use chemically treated or genetically modified GMO seeds.
Raise free-range livestock on open pasture.
Use feed grown without GMO seeds or synthetic materials.
Never use hormones or antibiotics on livestock.
Maintain open records of farming practices.

Our commitment to farm fresh clean food helps you buy fresh, locally grown food with confidence- confidence that the food on your table is good for your family and the environment.
With this commitment we provide the highest quality products to satisfy your family's appetite without harmful additives. Our family works hard raising heritage animals. We take great pride in continually improving our herds and flocks. We only want the best for our family and yours.
With each purchase from Rowdy Stickhorse, you become a part of our family.
Free Range

Our chickens are free-range. They roam the entire farm.
We raise Bard Plymouth Rocks, Partridge Rocks, Ameraunanas, Brahmas, Red Leghorns, Welsummers, Cohens, Orpingtons and Turken Chickens.
Our Nigerian Dwarf and Saanen Goats are for milking and our Kiko goats are for meat. Our other animals include Gloucestershire Old Spot pigs, Dexter and Spanish Longhorn cattle and Southdown/Friesian sheep.
All of our animals are on a free-range rotational grazing program. We feed only pure CNG grains we have grown ourselves when needed, we use only Herbs for medications.
Never underestimate the power of herbs.
(our standards for raising or making our products)
All of our animals are free range. We use a rotational grazing system. We do not use any pesticides or chemicals, nor do we use any hormones or antibiotics. We do not use anything we would not give ourselves. We are a start to finish farm. By that we mean, we raise all our animals from incubation to slaughter.
We have a large incubator to raise our own chickens from our flocks.
We raise our own pigs, beef, lamb and goats from our own stock. By doing so, we know exactly what goes into them from the beginning. On the other hand, this limits the amount of product we can produce.
We use our chicken manure to fertilize the pastures.
Rotational grazing our livestock helps keep the animals healthy and the soil nourished.
Using this program we drastically cut down on the use of fossil fuels.

Visit us at our Enid, Oklahoma location.
Call 580-370-6423
Email stickhorse@gmail.com
Facebook @RowdyStickhorse